David Brownrigg PhD
Visiting Research Fellow, Goldsmiths Unversity of London
David is a Visiting Research Fellow in Computing at Goldsmiths and, from 1994 to 2010, was course director for computing programmes for international students of the University of London.
David has worked as a lecturer and researcher at universities in several countries, including Jamaica and the USA, and also for Shell Research and the Royal Observatory Edinburgh.
He has degrees, employment and publications covering Computer Science, Astronomy and Mathematics. He is a UK Chartered Engineer, a member of the British Computer Society and a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Research Interests
My current work is in novel image processing as part of collaboration with an artist (*), and in lossy compression.
My past research interests include automated database systems integration, non-linear image filters, image feature separation, image processing for computer art, creaseless fractal terrain simulation, shape modelling and fractal texturing, simulation of galactic evolution, tunnel lining stress analysis, molecular property prediction, numerical solution of differential equations, and spatial dichotomies.
D.R.K.Brownrigg and C.Brownrigg; Ch.8, pp65-75
AMPS Proceedings Series 20.1 Connections: Exploring Heritage
Ed. Howard Griffin; ISSN 2398-9467 (2021)
D.R.K.Brownrigg and C.Brownrigg
Built Environments and Inhabitants: Transformed and Renewed
Amps CONNECTIONS: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art Media
University of Kent (School of Architecture) 29-30 June 2020
(video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiaToV9GDQo)
C.Brownrigg & D.R.K.Brownrigg;
Abstraction Using Mixed Global Transforms: Art and Aids to Art;
Transactions Imaging/Art/Science: Image Quality, Content and Aesthetics;
RPS, IET, RIT, University of Westminster; 26 April 2019